What’s been going on with ezr²?

What I’ve Been Doing

The interpreter. I’ve been making the interpreter. And fixing bugs. A lot of bugs.

Okay - that’s not completely true. I have added a ton of features.

This dev update is to showcase all these features. They will be released under the ezrSquared-re branch when they are completed.

Upcoming features for ezrSquared-re!

Note: This article is now outdated. Please check more recent updates about changes coming to ezrSquared-re.

A Big One - Numbers With No Limits!

Yes! Integers now implement C#’s BigInteger, so you don’t have to worry about the size of your numbers!

Floating points numbers now implement C#’s double now. So, higher range for floats!

Another Big One - Accessibility Modifiers.

Yes! I have added accessibility modifiers to ezr²! The accessibility is taken care of during runtime. Whenever your access or set a variable, the context will check for the validity of the operation depending on the accessibility modifiers.

The syntax goes like this:

@ A global variable, which already existed in ezr².
global var_a : 342

@ A CONSTANT variable? I guess its just a constant.
constant const_b: "Hello ezr²!"

@ A PRIVATE variable!
private var_c: "You can't touch this"

@ A STATIC variable!
static var_d: 27

And of course, you can mix and match them all! (but you cannot have global and private together, duh)

The same applies when defining functions and object-types!

static variables are assigned to the object-type’s (or class’s) context, which is seperate from the context of an instance of the class.

Continuing From The Previous - Define Blocks!

Tired of having to type private or static again and again? Put them in a define block!


define private
    private_var_a: 34
    private_var_b: 43

define blocks accept the global, private, static and constant keywords, and you can have them together!

define static constant
    static_constant_a: 653
    static_constant_b: "sdf"

Additions To Object-Types (Classes)!

Now, you can have readonly or static classes!

In a readonly class, no outside code can modify variables inside the class. Code in the class is still free to modify these variables.

readonly object readonly_object do

In a static class, well, all variables, functions and nested classes are static! And, you cannot create an instance of the class.

static object static_object do

Keyword-Arguments For Functions!

You can now provide infinite keyword arguments to your functions and object instance initializers! They work just like in any other language.

function function_a with more as keyword_args do

In the above case, keyword_args would be a dictionary.

A Whole Lot Of C# Wrappers!

I’ve added better C# Source Wrappers, for CSAELs, and automatic C# Wrappers, which will wrap C# classes, functions, properties, fields, etc. at runtime! The wrappers are also able to convert ezr² objects into primitives and vice-versa.

This will be used in include expressions (which have not been implemented yet) to import C# libraries and DLLs which may not have been intended to be imported into ezr², like System namespace libraries or Newtonsoft.Json, for example.

Throwable Errors!

Runtime errors are now actual objects! (Thanks to the aforementioned automatic C# Wrappers)

You can create and handle errors at runtime, just like any other object! You can even throw errors at runtime using the built-in throw_error function!

More Customization For Classes!

You can now override all these properties of your class:

is_equal (a = b)
is_inequal (a ! b)
is_less_than (a < b)
is_greater_than (a > b)
is_less_than_or_equal (a <= b)
is_greater_than_or_equal (a >= b)

addition (a + b)
subtraction (a - b)
multiplication (a * b)
division (a / b)
modulo (a % b)
power (a ^ b)

negation (-a)
affirmation (+a)

bitwise_or (a | b)
bitwise_xor (a \ b)
bitwise_and (a & b)
bitwise_left_shift (a << b)
bitwise_right_shift (a >> b)
bitwise_negation (~a)

contains (a in b)
does_not_contain (a not in b) (NEW!)

inversion (invert b)

evaluate_boolean (this is called to evaluate the object to a boolean, like how 1 evalues to true or how nothing evaluates to false)

call_received (this is called when the object is called like a function - NOT when the class is called to create the object)

strict_equals (used for strict equality checking)

get_hash_code (used for getting the object's hash code)

to_string (used to get a string representation of the object, like when it is passed to the 'show' function)

The above changes were just most important ones! There are many more, smaller improvements that are going to come to ezr².

Breaking changes.

Yes. There are breaking changes.

Syntax Change For The Try-Error Expression (Now Try-Catch)

Yes. I have changed the syntax of try-error expressions to try-catch.

Special Functions Are Gone

They are now replaced with functions with pre-set names.

For example, to implement the addition operation to your class, you now do this:

object an_object do
    function addition with other do
        return "BOO!"

Keywords Are Now Case-Insensitive

Yeah. This can be both a positive and a negative. You can now write code more like sentences, by capitalizing letters in keywords, but, code that may use variable names like Step or Item will break (although you should not be naming variables like that anyways since ezr² follows snake_case for names).

One Last Addition

I have added - A LOT OF BUGS! Yaaay?

Yes. There are lots of bugs in the ‘new’ ezr². That’s the main reason its been taking so long.


Well, so that’s it for this ezr² update. I will be working on ezr², slowly. Maybe I’ll post more dev updates along the way, too.

Thanks for reading this long post.