
A C# wrapper for the ULCA Bhashini API.

openupm openupm


This should work on any reasonably modern Unity version. Built and tested in Unity 6000.0.26f1 (Unity 6).

  1. Open project settings
  2. Select Package Manager
  3. Add the OpenUPM package registry:
    • Name: OpenUPM
    • URL: https://package.openupm.com
    • Scope(s)
      • com.uralstech
      • com.utilities*
  4. Open the Unity Package Manager window (Window -> Package Manager)
  5. Change the registry from Unity to My Registries
  6. Add the UBhashini, Utilities.Audio* and Utilities.Encoder.Wav* packages

*Optional, but required if you don't want to bother with encoding your AudioClips into Base64 strings manually and for using the samples.

Preview Versions

Do not use preview versions (i.e. versions that end with "-preview") for production use as they are unstable and untested.


See https://uralstech.github.io/UBhashini/DocSource/QuickStart.html or APIReferenceManual.pdf and Documentation.pdf in the package documentation for the reference manual and tutorial.