Namespace Uralstech.UCloud.TextToSpeech
- TextToSpeechManager
The class for accessing the Google Cloud Text-To-Speech API!
- TextToSpeechVoiceName
Denotes the name of a TTS voice by its separate parts.
- TextToSpeechVoiceNameStringConverter
Converter to convert TextToSpeechVoiceName to a string and vice-versa.
- ITextToSpeechGetRequest
All TTS API GET requests must inherit from this interface.
- ITextToSpeechPostRequest
All TTS API POST requests must inherit from this interface.
- ITextToSpeechRequest
All TTS API requests must inherit from this interface.
- TextToSpeechVoiceGender
Gender of the voice as described in SSML voice element.
- TextToSpeechVoiceType
The types of voices supported by the TTS API.