UGemini 2.0.1
A C# wrapper for the Google Gemini API.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CGeminiRequestExceptionThrown when a Gemini API request fails
 CGeminiFileMetadata for a file uploaded to the File API
 CGeminiFileDeleteRequestRequests the deletion of a file
 CGeminiFileGetRequestRequests metadata for an existing file. Return type is GeminiFile
 CGeminiFileListRequestRequests metadata for all existing files. Return type is GeminiFileListResponse
 CGeminiFileListResponseThe response for a GeminiFileListRequest call
 CGeminiFileUploadMetaDataMetadata for a GeminiFile to be uploaded
 CGeminiFileUploadRequestUploads a file to the Gemini File API. Response type is GeminiFileUploadResponse
 CGeminiFileUploadResponseResponse for a file upload request
 CGeminiFileVideoMetaDataMetadata for a video GeminiFile
 CGeminiCachedContentContent that has been preprocessed and can be used in subsequent request to GenerativeService
 CGeminiCachedContentCreateRequestCreates a GeminiCachedContent resource. Response type is GeminiCachedContent
 CGeminiCachedContentCreationDataData to cache content that has been preprocessed and can be used in subsequent request to GenerativeService
 CGeminiCachedContentDeleteRequestRequests for deletion of a cached content resource
 CGeminiCachedContentGetRequestRequests metadata cached content. Return type is GeminiCachedContent
 CGeminiCachedContentListRequestRequests metadata for all existing cached content. Return type is GeminiCachedContentListResponse
 CGeminiCachedContentListResponseThe response for a GeminiCachedContentListRequest call
 CGeminiCachedContentPatchDataData to patch an existing cached content resource with new data
 CGeminiCachedContentPatchRequestPatches a GeminiCachedContent resource. Response type is GeminiCachedContent
 CGeminiCachedContentUsageMetadataMetadata on the usage of the cached content
 CGeminiAttributionSourceIdIdentifier for the source contributing to this attribution
 CGeminiGroundingAttributionAttribution for a source that contributed to an answer
 CGeminiGroundingPassageIdIdentifier for a part within a GroundingPassage
 CGeminiSemanticRetrieverChunkIdentifier for a Chunk retrieved via Semantic Retriever specified in the GenerateAnswerRequest using SemanticRetrieverConfig
 CGeminiCitationMetadataA collection of source attributions for a piece of content
 CGeminiCitationSourceA citation to a source for a portion of a specific response
 CGeminiContentThe base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message
 CGeminiContentBlobRaw media bytes
 CGeminiContentPartA datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part Content message. Must only contain one field at a time
 CGeminiFileDataURI based data
 CUnityExtensionsExtensions for Unity types
 CGeminiTokenCountRequestRequest to count tokens in given content
 CGeminiTokenCountResponseA response from CountTokens
 CGeminiBatchEmbedContentRequestGenerates multiple embeddings from the model given input text in a synchronous call
 CGeminiBatchEmbedContentResponseThe response to a GeminiBatchEmbedContentRequest
 CGeminiContentEmbeddingA list of floats representing an embedding
 CGeminiEmbedContentRequestGenerates an embedding from the model
 CGeminiEmbedContentResponseThe response to a GeminiEmbedContentRequest
 CGeminiCandidateA response candidate generated from the model
 CGeminiPromptFeedbackA set of the feedback metadata for the prompt specified in a generation request
 CGeminiUsageMetadataMetadata on the generation request's token usage
 CGeminiChatRequestRequest to generate a response from the model
 CGeminiChatResponseResponse from the model supporting multiple candidates
 CGeminiAnswerRequestGenerates a grounded answer from the model
 CGeminiAnswerResponseResponse from the model for a grounded answer
 CGeminiSafetyRatingSafety rating for a piece of content
 CGeminiSafetySettingsSafety setting, affecting the safety-blocking behavior
 CGeminiSchemaThe Schema object allows the definition of input and output data types. These types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays. Represents a select subset of an OpenAPI 3.0 schema object
 CGeminiFunctionCallA predicted FunctionCall returned from the model that contains a string representing the with the arguments and their values
 CGeminiFunctionResponseThe result output from a GeminiFunctionCall that contains a string representing the Declaration.GeminiFunctionDeclaration.Name and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a GeminiFunctionCall made based on model prediction
 CGeminiFunctionResponseContentThe response of a Gemini function call. Based on the Protocol Buffer Struct type
 CGeminiGenerationConfigurationConfiguration options for model generation and outputs. Not all parameters may be configurable for every model
 CGeminiModelInformation about a Generative Language Model
 CGeminiModelGetRequestGets information about a specific model. Return type is GeminiModel
 CGeminiModelIdInformation about the unique ID of a Generative Language Model
 CGeminiModelIdStringConverterCustom JSON converter to handle conversion of GeminiModelId to a single string value and vice-versa
 CGeminiModelListRequestRequests metadata for all existing models. Return type is GeminiModelListResponse
 CGeminiModelListResponseThe response for a GeminiModelListRequest call
 CGeminiStatusThe GeminiStatus type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC
 CGeminiStatusDetailsAn object containing fields of an arbitrary type
 CSingletonUtility class to make inheriting types singletons
 CWebRequestHelperExtensions for the UnityWebRequest type
 CGeminiContentTypeExtensionsExtensions for Enum type objects
 CGeminiManagerThe class for accessing the Gemini API!
 CGeminiRequestMetadataMetadata about a computation request
 CGeminiSecondsToTimeSpanJsonConverterCustom JSON converter to convert a time string of a format like "10.334s" to a TimeSpan
 CIAppendableDataAn interface for data that is to be appended to at runtime
 CIGeminiDeleteRequestAll Gemini API DELETE requests must inherit from this interface
 CIGeminiGetRequestAll Gemini API GET requests must inherit from this interface
 CIGeminiMultiPartPostRequestAll Gemini API POST requests with multi-part data must inherit from this interface
 CIGeminiPatchRequestAll Gemini API PATCH requests must inherit from this interface
 CIGeminiPostRequestAll Gemini API POST requests must inherit from this interface
 CIGeminiRequestAll Gemini API requests must inherit from this interface
 CIGeminiStreamablePostRequestAll streamed Gemini API POST requests must inherit from this interface