UGemini 2.0.1
A C# wrapper for the Google Gemini API.
No Matches
QuickStart and Documentation

Please note that the code provided in this page is purely for learning purposes and is far from perfect. Remember to null-check all responses!



Add an instance of Uralstech.UGemini.GeminiManager to your scene, and set it up with your Gemini API key. You can get your API key from here.


There are only three methods in GeminiManager:

Method What it does
SetApiKey Sets the Gemini API key through code
Request Computes a request on the Gemini API
StreamRequest* Computes a streaming request on the Gemini API

*Requires Utilities.Async.

All computations on the Gemini API are done through GeminiManager.Request, GeminiManager.StreamRequest and their variants.

In this page, the fields, properties and methods of each type will not be explained. Every type has been fully documented in code, so please check the code docstrings or reference documentation to learn more about each type.

Beta API

GeminiManager supports both the v1 and v1beta Gemini API versions. As a lot of features are still unsupported in the main v1 API, you may need to use the Beta API. You can set the useBetaApi boolean parameter in the request's constructor to do so.


Uralstech.UGemini.Models.GeminiModel has four static model IDs:

You can provide these to the model parameter in the constructors for model-related requests. UGemini can also implicitly convert string model IDs to GeminiModelId objects.

QuickStart: Multi-turn Chat Request

This is a simple script that maintains the user's chat history with Gemini.

private List<GeminiContent> _chatHistory = new();
private async Task<string> OnChat(string text)
_chatHistory.Add(GeminiContent.GetContent(text, GeminiRole.User));
Contents = _chatHistory.ToArray(),
return response.Parts[0].Text;
The class for accessing the Gemini API!
Definition GeminiManager.cs:17
The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message.
Definition GeminiContent.cs:16
static GeminiContent GetContent(string message, GeminiRole role=GeminiRole.Unspecified)
Creates a new GeminiContent from a role and message.
Definition GeminiContent.cs:34
Information about a Generative Language Model.
Definition GeminiModel.cs:11
static readonly GeminiModelId Gemini1_5Flash
Gemini 1.5 Flash is a fast and versatile multimodal model for scaling across diverse tasks.
Definition GeminiModel.cs:56
Request to generate a response from the model.
Definition GeminiChatRequest.cs:20
Response from the model supporting multiple candidates.
Definition GeminiChatResponse.cs:22
GeminiContentPart[] Parts
The parts of the GeminiChatResponse message.
Definition GeminiChatResponse.cs:42
GeminiCandidate[] Candidates
Candidate responses from the model.
Definition GeminiChatResponse.cs:26
static T Instance
The active instance of type T .
Definition Singleton.cs:18
Definition GeminiAttributionSourceId.cs:5
The role of a Gemini content creator.
Definition GeminiRole.cs:13
Definition GeminiChatRequest.cs:14
Definition GeminiCachedContentCreateRequest.cs:5
Definition GeminiFileDeleteRequest.cs:2

Here, we simply have a list of GeminiContent objects, which tracks the messages of the conversation. Every time OnChat is called, the user's request and the model's reply are added the the list.

All Supported Endpoints

CachedContents (Beta API)

‍Context caching allows you to save and reuse precomputed input tokens that you wish to use repeatedly, for example when asking different questions about the same media file.


‍Creates CachedContent resource.

private async Task<GeminiCachedContent> RunCreateCachedContentRequest()
// Content must be at least 32,768 tokens.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 1800; i++)
return await GeminiManager.Instance.Request<GeminiCachedContent>(new GeminiCachedContentCreateRequest(new GeminiCachedContentCreationData
Contents = new[]
GeminiContent.GetContent(sb.ToString(), GeminiRole.User),
ExpireTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1),
Model = "gemini-1.5-flash-001", // Make sure the model you use supports caching!

See GeminiCachedContent and GeminiCachedContentCreateRequest for more details.


‍Deletes CachedContent resource.

private async Task RunDeleteCachedContentRequest(GeminiCachedContent content)
Debug.Log("Deleting cached content...");
await GeminiManager.Instance.Request(new GeminiCachedContentDeleteRequest(content.Name));
Debug.Log("Content deleted.");

See GeminiCachedContentDeleteRequest for more details.


‍Reads CachedContent resource.

private async Task<GeminiCachedContent> RunGetCachedContentRequest(string contentName)
return await GeminiManager.Instance.Request<GeminiCachedContent>(new GeminiCachedContentGetRequest(contentName));

See GeminiCachedContent and GeminiCachedContentGetRequest for more details.


‍Lists CachedContents.

private async Task<GeminiCachedContent[]> RunListCachedContentRequest()
GeminiCachedContentListResponse response = await GeminiManager.Instance.Request<GeminiCachedContentListResponse>(new GeminiCachedContentListRequest());
return response.CachedContents;

See GeminiCachedContentListResponse and GeminiCachedContentListRequest for more details.


‍Updates CachedContent resource (only expiration is updatable).

private async Task<GeminiCachedContent> RunPatchCachedContentRequest(string contentName)
return await GeminiManager.Instance.Request<GeminiCachedContent>(new GeminiCachedContentPatchRequest(new GeminiCachedContentPatchData
ExpireTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1),
}, contentName));

See GeminiCachedContent and GeminiCachedContentPatchRequest for more details.


‍The Models endpoint contains methods that allow you to access and inference Gemini models.


‍Gets information about a specific Model such as its version number, token limits, parameters and other metadata.

private async Task<GeminiModel> RunGetModelRequest(string modelId)
return await GeminiManager.Instance.Request<GeminiModel>(new GeminiModelGetRequest(modelId));
Gets information about a specific model. Return type is GeminiModel.
Definition GeminiModelGetRequest.cs:7

See GeminiModel and GeminiModelGetRequest for more details.

Newer models will not be recognized by the request if you're not using the Beta API.


‍Lists the Models available through the Gemini API.

private async Task<GeminiModel[]> RunListModelsRequest(int maxModels = 50, string pageToken = null)
MaxResponseModels = maxModels,
PageToken = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageToken) ? string.Empty : pageToken,
return response?.Models;
Requests metadata for all existing models. Return type is GeminiModelListResponse.
Definition GeminiModelListRequest.cs:7
The response for a GeminiModelListRequest call.
Definition GeminiModelListResponse.cs:11
GeminiModel[] Models
The list of models.
Definition GeminiModelListResponse.cs:16

See GeminiModelListResponse and GeminiModelListRequest for more details.

Newer models will not be recognized by the request if you're not using the Beta API.


‍Generates a text embedding vector from the input Content using the specified Gemini Embedding model.

private async void RunEmbedContentRequest()
Debug.Log("Running embedding request.");
Content = GeminiContent.GetContent("Hello! How are you?"),
Debug.Log($"Embedding values: {string.Join(", ", response.Embedding.Values)}");
Generates an embedding from the model.
Definition GeminiEmbedContentRequest.cs:13
The response to a GeminiEmbedContentRequest.
Definition GeminiEmbedContentResponse.cs:11
static readonly GeminiModelId TextEmbedding004
text-embedding-004 achieves a stronger retrieval performance and outperforms existing models with com...
Definition GeminiModel.cs:66
Definition GeminiBatchEmbedContentRequest.cs:5

See GeminiEmbedContentResponse and GeminiEmbedContentRequest for more details.


‍Generates multiple embedding vectors from the input Content which consists of a batch of strings represented as EmbedContentRequest objects.

private async void RunBatchEmbedContentRequest()
Debug.Log("Running batch embedding request.");
// Make sure the model used for the batch request is the same for all included requests.
Requests = new GeminiEmbedContentRequest[]
Content = GeminiContent.GetContent("Hello! How are you?"),
Content = GeminiContent.GetContent("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."),
foreach (GeminiContentEmbedding embedding in response.Embeddings)
Debug.Log($"Embedding values: {string.Join(", ", embedding.Values)}");
Generates multiple embeddings from the model given input text in a synchronous call.
Definition GeminiBatchEmbedContentRequest.cs:11
The response to a GeminiBatchEmbedContentRequest.
Definition GeminiBatchEmbedContentResponse.cs:11
GeminiContentEmbedding[] Embeddings
The embeddings for each request, in the same order as provided in the batch request.
Definition GeminiBatchEmbedContentResponse.cs:15
A list of floats representing an embedding.
Definition GeminiContentEmbedding.cs:11

See GeminiBatchEmbedContentResponse and GeminiBatchEmbedContentRequest for more details.


‍Generates a model response given an input GenerateContentRequest.

private async void RunChatRequest()
Debug.Log("Running chat request.");
Contents = new GeminiContent[]
GeminiContent.GetContent("What's up?")
Debug.Log($"Gemini's response: {response.Parts[^1].Text}");

See GeminiChatResponse and GeminiChatRequest for more details.


‍Generates a streamed response from the model given an input GenerateContentRequest.

private async void RunStreamingChatRequest()
Debug.Log("Running streamed chat request.");
GeminiChatResponse response = await GeminiManager.Instance.StreamRequest(
Contents = new GeminiContent[]
GeminiContent.GetContent("What's up? Tell me a story about airplanes.")
OnPartialResponseReceived = partialResponse =>
if (partialResponse.Candidates == null || partialResponse.Candidates.Length < 0)
return Task.CompletedTask;
Debug.Log($"Gemini's partial response: {partialResponse.Parts[^1].Text}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
Debug.Log($"Gemini's final response: {response.Parts[^1].Text}");

See GeminiChatResponse and GeminiChatRequest for more details.

GenerateAnswer (Beta API)

‍Generates a grounded answer from the model given an input GenerateAnswerRequest.

private async void RunQuestionAnsweringRequest()
Debug.Log("Running Q/A request.");
Contents = new GeminiContent[]
GeminiContent.GetContent("What is ezr²?")
InlinePassages = new GeminiGroundingPassages()
Passages = new GeminiGroundingPassage[]
Id = "ezrSquaredContext",
"ezr² is an easy to learn and practical interpreted programming language for beginners and experts alike made in C#." +
"The latest version of ezr² RE has been released! ezr² RE, or REwrite, is the project's initiative to rewrite ezr². " +
"The latest working version of ezr² RE has many more features than the latest version of ezr²! But, it is still in " +
"development, has some essential features missing. Like the include expression, or any built-in object methods like " +
"\"a string\".length or [\"a\", \"list\"].insert. If you want to help in testing it out and fixing bugs, feel free to" +
" download the latest version of ezr² RE from the ezr² GitHub releases page and compiling it using the .NET SDK and/or" +
" Visual Studio. The GitHub releases page is:"
AnswerStyle = GeminiAnswerStyle.Verbose,
if (response.Answer.Content != null)
Debug.Log($"Gemini's answer: {response.Answer.Content.Parts[^1].Text}");
foreach (GeminiGroundingAttribution attribution in response.Answer.GroundingAttributions)
Debug.Log($"Attribution ID: {attribution.SourceId.GroundingPassage.PassageId} | Content: {attribution.Content.Parts[^1].Text}");
Attribution for a source that contributed to an answer.
Definition GeminiGroundingAttribution.cs:11
static readonly GeminiModelId Aqa
You can use the AQA model to perform Attributed Question-Answering (AQA)–related tasks over a documen...
Definition GeminiModel.cs:77
Generates a grounded answer from the model.
Definition GeminiAnswerRequest.cs:19
Response from the model for a grounded answer.
Definition GeminiAnswerResponse.cs:12
GeminiCandidate Answer
Candidate answer from the model.
Definition GeminiAnswerResponse.cs:20
Passage included inline with a grounding configuration.
Definition GeminiGroundingPassage.cs:12
A repeated list of passages.
Definition GeminiGroundingPassages.cs:11
Definition GeminiAttributionSourceId.cs:5
Definition GeminiAnswerRequest.cs:10
Style for grounded answers.
Definition GeminiAnswerStyle.cs:12

See GeminiAnswerResponse and GeminiAnswerRequest for more details.


‍Runs a model's tokenizer on input Content and returns the token count.

private async void RunTokenCountRequest()
Debug.Log("Running token counting request.");
Contents = new GeminiContent[]
GeminiContent.GetContent("Hello! How are you?"),
Debug.Log($"Tokens: {response.TotalTokens}");
Request to count tokens in given content.
Definition GeminiTokenCountRequest.cs:14
A response from CountTokens.
Definition GeminiTokenCountResponse.cs:11
Definition GeminiTokenCountRequest.cs:8

See GeminiTokenCountResponse and GeminiTokenCountRequest for more details.

TunedModels (Unstable)

‍The TunedModels endpoint contains methods that allow you to access and inference fine-tuned Gemini models.


‍Generates a model response given an input GenerateContentRequest.

// This is untested code.
private async void RunTunedModelChatRequest()
Debug.Log("Running chat request on tuned model.");
new GeminiChatRequest("tunedModels/modelname")
Contents = new GeminiContent[]
GeminiContent.GetContent("What's up?")
Debug.Log($"Tuned Gemini's response: {response.Parts[^1].Text}");

See GeminiChatResponse and GeminiChatRequest for more details.

Files (Beta API)

‍The Gemini File API can be used to store data on the cloud for future prompting with the Gemini models.


‍Deletes the File.

private async void RunDeleteFileRequest(string fileId)
Debug.Log("Deleting file...");
await GeminiManager.Instance.Request(new GeminiFileDeleteRequest(fileId));
Debug.Log("File deleted.");
Requests the deletion of a file.
Definition GeminiFileDeleteRequest.cs:10
Definition GeminiFileDeleteRequest.cs:2

See GeminiFileDeleteRequest for more details.


‍Gets the metadata for the given File.

private async Task<GeminiFile> RunGetFileRequest(string fileId)
return await GeminiManager.Instance.Request<GeminiFile>(new GeminiFileGetRequest(fileId));
Requests metadata for an existing file. Return type is GeminiFile.
Definition GeminiFileGetRequest.cs:10
Metadata for a file uploaded to the File API.
Definition GeminiFile.cs:13

See GeminiFile and GeminiFileGetRequest for more details.


‍Lists the metadata for Files owned by the requesting project.

private async Task<GeminiFile[]> RunListFilesRequest(int maxFiles = 10, string pageToken = null)
MaxResponseFiles = maxFiles,
PageToken = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageToken) ? string.Empty : pageToken,
return response?.Files;
Requests metadata for all existing files. Return type is GeminiFileListResponse.
Definition GeminiFileListRequest.cs:10
The response for a GeminiFileListRequest call.
Definition GeminiFileListResponse.cs:11
GeminiFile[] Files
The list of files.
Definition GeminiFileListResponse.cs:16

See GeminiFileListResponse and GeminiFileListRequest for more details.

Media (Beta API)

‍The Gemini File API can be used to store data on the cloud for future prompting with the Gemini models.


‍Creates a File.

private async Task<GeminiFile> RunUploadFileRequest(string text)
DisplayName = "I'm a File",
RawData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)
return response.File;
Metadata for a GeminiFile to be uploaded.
Definition GeminiFileUploadMetaData.cs:12
Uploads a file to the Gemini File API. Response type is GeminiFileUploadResponse.
Definition GeminiFileUploadRequest.cs:16
Response for a file upload request.
Definition GeminiFileUploadResponse.cs:11
GeminiFile File
Metadata for the created file.
Definition GeminiFileUploadResponse.cs:15
Enum for the types of content able to be fed to the Gemini API.
Definition GeminiContentType.cs:12

See GeminiFileUploadResponse and GeminiFileUploadRequest for more details.

GeminiChatRequest Features

Streaming Responses

GeminiChatRequest allows you to stream Gemini's response in real-time. You can do so by using GeminiManager.StreamRequest and utilizing the callback in GeminiChatRequest.

You can even stream function calls! Check out the Streaming Generated Content sample included in the package.

[SerializeField] private Text _chatResponse;
private async Task<string> OnChat(string text)
Contents = new GeminiContent[]
GeminiContent.GetContent(text, GeminiRole.User),
OnPartialResponseReceived = streamedResponse =>
_chatResponse.text = streamedResponse.Parts[0].Text;
return Task.CompletedTask;
return response.Parts[0].Text;

If you do not want to use the callback, you can let the StreamRequest task run in the background, and access the streamed data from the GeminiChatRequest.StreamedResponse property.

Adding Media Content to Requests

GeminiContent.Parts contains the actual contents of each chat request and response. You can add media content to the Parts array, but you must only have one type of data in each part, like one part of text, one part of an image, and so on. The following samples shows data being read from a file and into a GeminiContent object.

private async Task<GeminiContent> GetFileContent(string filePath, GeminiContentType contentType)
byte[] data;
data = await File.ReadAllBytesAsync(filePath);
catch (SystemException exception)
Debug.LogError($"Failed to load file: {exception.Message}");
return null;
return new GeminiContent()
Parts = new GeminiContentPart[]
Text = "What's in this file?"
InlineData = new GeminiContentBlob()
MimeType = contentType,
Data = Convert.ToBase64String(data)
Raw media bytes.
Definition GeminiContentBlob.cs:14
A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part Content message. Must only contain one field...
Definition GeminiContentPart.cs:14

Now, the GeminiContent returned by the method can be fed into a chat request!

Utility Methods

GeminiContent and GeminiContentBlob also contain static utility methods to help create them from Unity types like AudioClip or Texture2D:

  • GeminiContent.GetContent
    • Can convert string messages, Texture2D images, AudioClip* audio and GeminiFile data to GeminiContent objects.
  • GeminiContentBlob.GetContentBlob
    • Can convert Texture2D images and AudioClip* audio to GeminiContentBlob objects.

*Requires Utilities.Encoding.Wav.

Function Calling

First, we have to setup our tools and define our function schemas.

private GeminiTool _geminiFunctions = new GeminiTool()
FunctionDeclarations = new GeminiFunctionDeclaration[]
Name = "printToConsole",
Description = "Print text to the user's console.",
Parameters = new GeminiSchema()
Type = GeminiSchemaDataType.Object,
Properties = new Dictionary<string, GeminiSchema>()
"text", new GeminiSchema()
Type = GeminiSchemaDataType.String,
Description = "The text to print. e.g. \"Hello, World!\"",
Nullable = false,
Required = new string[] { "text" },
Name = "changeTextColor",
Description = "Change the color of the text.",
Parameters = new GeminiSchema()
Type = GeminiSchemaDataType.Object,
Properties = new Dictionary<string, GeminiSchema>()
"color", new GeminiSchema()
Type = GeminiSchemaDataType.String,
Description = "The color to set. e.g. \"BLUE\"",
Enum = new string[]
Nullable = false,
Required = new string[] { "color" },
The Schema object allows the definition of input and output data types. These types can be objects,...
Definition GeminiSchema.cs:13
string[] Enum
Possible values of the element of GeminiSchemaDataType.String with enum format.
Definition GeminiSchema.cs:59
Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the OpenAPI 3.03 specification....
Definition GeminiFunctionDeclaration.cs:15
Tool details that the model may use to generate response.
Definition GeminiTool.cs:17
Definition GeminiSchema.cs:7
Defines the format of schema data.
Definition GeminiSchemaDataFormat.cs:12
Contains the list of OpenAPI data types as defined by the OpenAPI Specification.
Definition GeminiSchemaDataType.cs:12
Definition GeminiCodeExecutionLanguage.cs:6

To use Gemini Tools, we need to declare each tool to use. So, we have created a declaration for function calling. Each tool must be declared separately but every function must be declared in a single tool declaration.

For each function, we need a declaration with a name and description. The parameters are an object of type GeminiSchema, which defines the schema of each of the parameters. The type is of GeminiSchemaDataType.Object, and contains the dictionary of parameter schemas.

The keys of the dictionary should be the parameter name, and the values should be GeminiSchema objects which define the type, description, format, etc. of the parameter.

Finally, we have the Required property which tells Gemini which fields are absolutely required in each call. Now, we can move on to the chat.

[SerializeField] private Text _chatResponse;
private async Task<string> OnChat(string text)
List<GeminiContent> contents = new()
GeminiFunctionCall functionCall;
string responseText = string.Empty;
Contents = contents.ToArray(),
Tools = new GeminiTool[] { _geminiFunctions },
// Don't forget to do this! If the function call is not added to the chat
// history, Gemini will throw an error when receiving the response!
responseText = Array.Find(response.Parts, part => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.Text))?.Text;
GeminiContentPart[] allFunctionCalls = Array.FindAll(response.Parts, part => part.FunctionCall != null);
functionCall = null;
for (int i = 0; i < allFunctionCalls.Length; i++)
functionCall = allFunctionCalls[i].FunctionCall;
JObject functionResponse = null;
switch (functionCall.Name)
case "printToConsole":
case "changeTextColor":
if (!TryChangeTextColor(functionCall.Arguments["color"].ToObject<string>()))
functionResponse = new JObject()
["result"] = "Unknown color."
functionResponse = new JObject()
["result"] = "Sorry, but that function does not exist."
contents.Add(GeminiContent.GetContent(functionCall.GetResponse(functionResponse ?? new JObject()
["result"] = "Completed executing function successfully."
} while (functionCall != null);
_chatResponse.text = responseText;
return responseText;
private bool TryChangeTextColor(string color)
switch (color)
case "RED":
_chatResponse.color =; break;
case "GREEN":
_chatResponse.color =; break;
case "BLUE":
_chatResponse.color =; break;
case "WHITE":
_chatResponse.color = Color.white; break;
return false;
Debug.Log("Changed text color!");
return true;
GeminiFunctionCall FunctionCall
A predicted FunctionCall returned from the model that contains a string representing the FunctionDecl...
Definition GeminiContentPart.cs:34
The Tool configuration containing parameters for specifying Tool use in the request.
Definition GeminiToolConfiguration.cs:12
static GeminiToolConfiguration GetConfiguration(GeminiFunctionCallingMode callingMode, string[] allowedFunctions=null)
Creates a new GeminiToolConfiguration.
Definition GeminiToolConfiguration.cs:25
A predicted FunctionCall returned from the model that contains a string representing the FunctionDecl...
Definition GeminiFunctionCall.cs:13
JObject Arguments
Optional. The function parameters and values in JSON object format.
Definition GeminiFunctionCall.cs:26
GeminiFunctionResponse GetResponse(JObject responseJson=null)
Creates a GeminiFunctionResponse for this function call.
Definition GeminiFunctionCall.cs:33
string Name
The name of the function to call. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes,...
Definition GeminiFunctionCall.cs:17
Defines the execution behavior for function calling by defining the execution mode.
Definition GeminiFunctionCallingMode.cs:12

Here, we are going through each response, checking if a function was called, and calling the requested function.

The response is a JSON object, which is optional, but it is recommended to include. Note the use of GeminiToolConfiguration.GetConfiguration, which is a utility method to create a GeminiToolConfiguration with the given GeminiFunctionCallingMode. GeminiFunctionCallingMode.Any means Gemini will always call at least one function in each request, Auto means the model will call the functions when it thinks it needs to, and None means no functions can be called.

After the function is called, we respond by adding the calls and responses to the history. We use the GetResponse utility method to get a GeminiFunctionResponse object with the response JSON.

Function calling is, as of writing, only available in the Beta API.

Code Execution

Code execution is also a Tool, so it is similar to function calling:

private GeminiTool _geminiCodeExecution = new GeminiTool()
CodeExecution = new GeminiCodeExecution()
[SerializeField] private Text _chatResponse;
private async Task<string> OnChat(string text)
List<GeminiContent> contents = new()
Contents = contents.ToArray(),
Tools = new GeminiTool[] { _geminiCodeExecution },
string responseText = string.Join(", ", Array.ConvertAll(response.Parts, part => $"(Text={part.Text}, Code={part.ExecutableCode?.Code}, ExecutionResult={part.CodeExecutionResult?.Output})"));
_chatResponse.text = responseText;
return responseText;
Tool that executes code generated by the model, and automatically returns the result to the model.
Definition GeminiCodeExecution.cs:14

That's it! Now, when code execution is used, the response should be something like this:

> Make a simple python program to print hello world and use code execution for that.
Result: (Text=, Code=, ExecutionResult=), (Text=, Code=print("Hello world!"), ExecutionResult=), (Text=, Code=, ExecutionResult=Hello world!),
(Text=I have created a simple Python program that prints "Hello world!". I used the `print()` function to achieve this. The code was executed
using the `tool_code` block., Code=, ExecutionResult=)

Code execution is also, as of writing, only available in the Beta API.

JSON Response Mode

In JSON mode, Gemini will always respond in the specified JSON response schema.

private async Task<string> OnChat(string text)
// Note: It seems GeminiModel.Gemini1_5Flash is not very good at JSON.
Contents = new GeminiContent[]
SystemInstruction = GeminiContent.GetContent("You are a helpful math teacher who teacher their students mathematics in the most helpful way possible."),
GenerationConfig = new GeminiGenerationConfiguration()
ResponseMimeType = GeminiResponseType.Json,
ResponseSchema = new GeminiSchema()
Type = GeminiSchemaDataType.Array,
Description = "A list of mathematical expressions.",
Items = new GeminiSchema()
Type = GeminiSchemaDataType.Object,
Properties = new Dictionary<string, GeminiSchema>()
"expression", new GeminiSchema()
Type = GeminiSchemaDataType.String,
"explanation", new GeminiSchema()
Type = GeminiSchemaDataType.String,
Required = new string[] { "expression", "explanation", },
return response.Parts[0].Text;
static readonly GeminiModelId Gemini1_5Pro
Gemini 1.5 Pro is a mid-size multimodal model that is optimized for a wide-range of reasoning tasks....
Definition GeminiModel.cs:46
Configuration options for model generation and outputs. Not all parameters may be configurable for ev...
Definition GeminiGenerationConfiguration.cs:13
Definition GeminiAnswerRequest.cs:10
The response type for Gemini model responses.
Definition GeminiResponseType.cs:12

Here, we used a schema for an array of objects, which contain two parameters: expression and explanation. We have told Gemini to split the response into the parameters, where a mathematical expression and its explanation is given.

The GeminiSchema object is the same type used for function calling.

JSON mode is also only available in the Beta API.


For full-fledged examples of the features of this package, check out the samples included in the package:

Mult-turn Chat

A sample scene showing a multi-turn chat system. GitHub Source

Function Calling

A sample scene showing a function calling system. GitHub Source

Streaming Generated Content

A sample showing a system which streams Gemini's responses, including function calls. GitHub Source

Question Answering

A sample scene with a system where Gemini answers questions based only on the given context. GitHub Source

Prompting with File API

A sample scene with a system to create, delete, retrieve, list and prompt Gemini with files stored in the File/Media API endpoints. GitHub Source

JSON Response

A sample scene showing a system where Gemini responds in a specified JSON format. GitHub Source

List and Get Model Metadata

A sample scene with a system to list, get and chat with models using the models.get and models.list endpoints. GitHub Source

Token Counting

A sample scene showing a token counting system using the countTokens endpoint. GitHub Source