Table of Contents

Enum Feature


The metadata for FeatureParameterAttribute.

public enum Feature


CallerRef = 2

Requests a reference to the calling IEzrObject. The parameter must be assignable from IEzrObject.

ExecutionRef = 3

Requests a reference to the execution context. The parameter must be assignable from Context.

InterpreterRef = 4

Requests a reference to the execution context. The parameter must be assignable from Interpreter.

KeywordArguments = 0

Requests extra keyword arguments. The parameter must be assignable from System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.

PositionalArguments = 1

Requests extra positional arguments. The parameter must be assignable from System.Collections.Generic.List<T>.

ResultRef = 5

Requests a reference to the current RuntimeResult. The parameter must be assignable from RuntimeResult.