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The ezr² Project 0.1.1
The codebase for the ezr² programming language.
▼NEzrSquared | |
▼NExecutor | |
CCodeExecutor | Utility to execute ezr² code under one static interpreter |
CExecutionResult | The result of a code execution operation |
▼NRuntime | |
▼NCollections | |
CRuntimeEzrObjectDictionary | A Dictionary for IEzrObjects |
CRuntimeEzrObjectList | A List for References |
▼NNodes | |
CInvalidNode | The dummy invalid Node structure. For returning instead of null if an SyntaxError occurs during parsing |
▼NTypes | |
▼NCore | |
▼NErrors | |
CEzrRuntimeError | Base of all error type objects |
CEzrConstants | Static constants for objects that won't change |
▼NCSharpWrappers | |
▼NBuiltins | |
CEzrBuiltinFunctions | All built-in functions in ezr² |
CEzrBuiltinsUtility | Utility to add built-ins to contexts |
▼NCompatWrappers | |
▼NObjectMembers | |
▼NExecutables | |
CEzrSharpCompatibilityConstructor | |
CEzrSharpCompatibilityExecutable | |
CEzrSharpCompatibilityFunction | |
CEzrSharpCompatibilityField | |
CEzrSharpCompatibilityProperty | |
CEzrSharpCompatibilityObjectInstance | |
CEzrSharpCompatibilityType | |
CEzrSharpCompatibilityWrapper | |
▼NSourceWrappers | |
CEzrSharpSourceExecutableWrapper | |
CEzrSharpSourceFieldWrapper | |
CEzrSharpSourceFunctionWrapper | |
CEzrSharpSourcePropertyWrapper | |
CEzrSharpSourceTypeWrapper | |
CEzrClass | The "type" type object? You know |
CEzrClassInstance | The "instance of a class" type object? |
CEzrObject | The base root class of all built-in objects. Provides utility functions and bare-minimum operator handling |
CEzrRuntimeExecutable | The base root class of all runtime executables |
CIEzrMutableObject | A mutable IEzrObject |
CIEzrObject | An object in the ezr² language |
CIMutable | A mutable object |
▼NWrapperAttributes | |
CCsealAttribute | Attribute for identifying CSAELs (C# Assisted ezr² Libraries) |
CSharpMethodWrapperAttribute | Attribute for C# methods which will be wrapped into ezr² |
CContext | Stores all user defined variables/constant references, called symbols |
CInterpreter | The ezr² Interpreter. The job of the Interpreter is to execute the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) received from the Syntax.Parser (as a single Node object)! |
CReferencePool | A static pool for Reference |
CRuntimeResult | The type of the object that is returned as the result of interpretation done by the Interpreter |
▼NSyntax | |
CLexer | The ezr² Lexer or Tokenizer. The job of the Lexer is to convert the user input (code) into Token objects to be given as the input to the Parser |
CParser | The ezr² Parser. The job of the Parser is to convert the input Token objects from the Lexer into Node objects to be given as the input to the Runtime.Interpreter.Interpreter |
CParseResult | The type of the object that is returned as the result of parsing done by the Parser |
▼NUtil | |
▼NExtensions | |
CBigIntegerExtensions | Static class extending the BigInteger type |
CUtils | Utilities functions used in ezrSquared |
CToken | The smallest component in the script identified by the TokenType, grouped together into Runtime.Nodes.Node objects to from source code constructs |