The ezr² Project 0.1.1
The codebase for the ezr² programming language.
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.WrapperAttributes.CsealAttributeAttribute for identifying CSAELs (C# Assisted ezr² Libraries)
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.WrapperAttributes.SharpMethodWrapperAttributeAttribute for C# methods which will be wrapped into ezr²
 CEzrSquared.Util.Extensions.BigIntegerExtensionsStatic class extending the BigInteger type
 CEzrSquared.Executor.CodeExecutorUtility to execute ezr² code under one static interpreter
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.ContextStores all user defined variables/constant references, called symbols
 CEzrSquared.Executor.ExecutionResultThe result of a code execution operation
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.CSharpWrappers.Builtins.EzrBuiltinFunctionsAll built-in functions in ezr²
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.CSharpWrappers.Builtins.EzrBuiltinsUtilityUtility to add built-ins to contexts
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.Core.EzrConstantsStatic constants for objects that won't change
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.IEzrObjectAn object in the ezr² language
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.EzrObjectThe base root class of all built-in objects. Provides utility functions and bare-minimum operator handling
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.Core.Errors.EzrRuntimeErrorBase of all error type objects
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.EzrClassInstanceThe "instance of a class" type object?
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.EzrRuntimeExecutableThe base root class of all runtime executables
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.EzrClassThe "type" type object? You know
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.IEzrMutableObjectA mutable IEzrObject
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.EzrClassThe "type" type object? You know
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.EzrClassInstanceThe "instance of a class" type object?
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.IMutable< T >A mutable object
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.IMutable< IEzrMutableObject >
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.IEzrMutableObjectA mutable IEzrObject
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.IMutable< RuntimeEzrObjectDictionary >
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Collections.RuntimeEzrObjectDictionaryA Dictionary for IEzrObjects
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Types.IMutable< RuntimeEzrObjectList >
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Collections.RuntimeEzrObjectListA List for References
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.InterpreterThe ezr² Interpreter. The job of the Interpreter is to execute the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) received from the Syntax.Parser (as a single Node object)!
 CEzrSquared.Syntax.LexerThe ezr² Lexer or Tokenizer. The job of the Lexer is to convert the user input (code) into Token objects to be given as the input to the Parser
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Collections.RuntimeEzrObjectListA List for References
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.Nodes.InvalidNodeThe dummy invalid Node structure. For returning instead of null if an SyntaxError occurs during parsing
 CEzrSquared.Syntax.ParserThe ezr² Parser. The job of the Parser is to convert the input Token objects from the Lexer into Node objects to be given as the input to the Runtime.Interpreter.Interpreter
 CEzrSquared.Syntax.ParseResultThe type of the object that is returned as the result of parsing done by the Parser
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.ReferencePoolA static pool for Reference
 CEzrSquared.Runtime.RuntimeResultThe type of the object that is returned as the result of interpretation done by the Interpreter
 CEzrSquared.TokenThe smallest component in the script identified by the TokenType, grouped together into Runtime.Nodes.Node objects to from source code constructs
 CEzrSquared.Util.UtilsUtilities functions used in ezrSquared