The ezr² Programming Language

ezr² is an easy to learn and practical interpreted programming language for beginners and experts alike made in C#! For more information, check out the learn ezr² page.


  • As close to natural language as possible while being practical, with planned multilingual features
  • Easily extendible through C# Assisted ezr² Libraries
  • Easily embeddable



ezr² is still in development, and with ezr² REwrite on the horizon, there will be some breaking changes in syntax in upcoming versions.

To install ezr², follow the steps for your Operating System:

  • Download the appropriate installer.
  • Run the installer and go through the installation.

ezr² Pre-release v1. for Windows x64 ezr² Pre-release v1. for Windows x86


An ezr² script has the extension .ezr2. To run an ezr² script, use the ezrSquared command followed by the path to the script file:

> ezrSquared hello.ezr2


The official documentation for ezr² is available in the Learn ezr² page, but is still work in progress. Meanwhile, check out some example programs in GitHub.

The offline version of the (old) ezrSquared website was made possible with Jekyll Offline. The documentation is packaged with the Windows installer. For other OSes, download and extract the zip archive from here:

ezr² Pre-release v1. Offline Documentation

ezr² RE

ezr² is being rewritten, with better performance, more features and better compatibility with existing C# libraries!

ezr² RE still has a lot missing features, like the include expression and many built in type extension methods like ["list"].insert('2', 0). It is also very unstable, and the API and syntax may change in updates. So, it is not recommended to use ezr² RE for scripting. If you want to try it out, you can download it from the releases page on GitHub, or, from here:

  • Download the appropriate installer.
  • Run the installer and go through the installation.

ezr² RE v0.11.3 for Windows x64 ezr² RE v0.11.3 for Windows x86

The offline documentation is included as an optional component in the installers. You can also download them from here:

This is documentation for the latest, bleeding-edge version of ezr² RE, so some things may not match up with the latest release:

ezr² RE documentation ezr² RE API reference manual



The contribution requirements will be revamped for the full ezr² RE release.

ezr² is an open source project and welcomes contributions from anyone who wants to improve it. If you want to contribute to ezr², please contact Uralstech at