Embedding ezr²
This documentation only applies to the bleeding-edge latest version of ezr² RE, which you may
have to compile from the ezrSquared-re
branch of the repository.
Currently, the only version recommended for embedding in your C# apps is the latest version of ezr² RE, available on NuGet.
The NuGet package is targeted for .NET 9 and .NET Standard 2.1 and is compatible with Unity. You may need to use third-party packages like NuGetForUnity to import it into Unity.
The high-level class to interact with the ezr² runtime is the CodeExecutor
All you have to do is call CodeExecutor.CreateRuntimeContext("main");
. "main" is just the name for the runtime context.
If you want to include built-in constants (like true
, false
, nothing
functions (like throw_error
, assert
) or types (like runtime_error
, math_error
in the context, just call CodeExecutor.PopulateRuntimeContext()
If you are not making a console app, or want control of the IO, you can choose to not include the built-in IO
functions (show
, get
and clear
), you can set excludeIO
to true
: CodeExecutor.PopulateRuntimeContext(true)
also provides methods to add objects to the context. For example, you can add
a reference to a custom show
function, which uses Unity's UI instead of Console.WriteLine
You can check out the "Get Started with CSAELS" page to know
more about wrappers.
public TMP_Text OutputText;
private void Start()
CodeExecutor.AddToContext(new EzrMethodWrapper((Action<string>)ShowOnCanvas, Context.Empty, Position.None, Position.None));
private async void ShowOnCanvas(string text)
await Awaitable.MainThreadAsync(); // Switch into Unity's main thread to modify the UI.
OutputText.text += $"\n{text}";
await Awaitable.BackgroundThreadAsync(); // Switch back to the background thread, so that ezr² does not block Unity.
Interpreting Code
Just call CodeExecutor.Execute
with the code you want to interpret! It returns a
object, which contains info
about the execution, like the AST, parse errors, runtime errors, and the actual result.
So, for example, you can run a script asynchronously in Unity like so:
private async Awaitable RunScript(string code)
ShowOnCanvas($">>> {code}");
await Awaitable.BackgroundThreadAsync();
ExecutionResult executionResult = CodeExecutor.Execute(code);
if (executionResult.Success)
else if (executionResult.Result is EzrRuntimeError)
ShowOnCanvas($"<color=#FF0000>{executionResult.LexerError ?? executionResult.ParseError}</color>");
Unity Shell Example
This is an example script for making a simple interpreter shell in Unity.
using EzrSquared;
using EzrSquared.Executor;
using EzrSquared.Runtime;
using EzrSquared.Runtime.Types.Core.Errors;
using EzrSquared.Runtime.Types.Wrappers;
using EzrSquared.Runtime.Types.Wrappers.Members.Methods;
using System;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
public class Runner : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Text to show interpreter output.")]
public TMP_Text OutputText;
[Tooltip("Input field for getting the user's code.")]
public TMP_InputField InputField;
private void Start()
// Initialize the runtime context.
// Add built-ins, excluding IO functions.
// Add wrapper for "show" function which uses Unity UI.
CodeExecutor.AddToContext(new EzrMethodWrapper((Action<string>)ShowOnCanvas, Context.Empty, Position.None, Position.None));
// This function will be called by a "Submit" or "Run" button.
public async void Run()
await RunScript(InputField.text);
// Function to show text on the screen.
private async void ShowOnCanvas(string text)
await Awaitable.MainThreadAsync(); // Switch into Unity's main thread to modify the UI.
OutputText.text += $"\n{text}";
await Awaitable.BackgroundThreadAsync(); // Switch back to the background thread, so that ezr² does not block Unity.
// Function to run ezr² code in a background thread.
private async Awaitable RunScript(string code)
ShowOnCanvas($">>> {code}");
await Awaitable.BackgroundThreadAsync();
ExecutionResult executionResult = CodeExecutor.Execute(code);
if (executionResult.Success)
else if (executionResult.Result is EzrRuntimeError)
ShowOnCanvas($"<color=#FF0000>{executionResult.LexerError ?? executionResult.ParseError}</color>");
Lower-Level Access
You can directly use the Lexer
, Parser
and Interpreter
classes directly to execute code. You can even inherit from them to
customize the tokenization, parsing and interpretation of the ezr² language. This requires knowledge of the ezr² language
infrastructure, but provides much more customizability. You can start by cloning the ezr² repository and exploring the API!