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Get Started with CSAELs

This documentation only applies to the bleeding-edge latest version of ezr² RE, which you may have to compile from the ezrSquared-re branch of the repository.

CSAELs, or CSharp Assisted Ezr² Libraries, are class libraries written in C# meant to be used by the ezr² runtime. With the latest versions of ezr² RE supporting automatic C# wrappers which can wrap existing C# code not specifically meant for use with ezr², CSAELs are very easy to make if you know C#.

Although ezr² RE does not yet support importing CSAELs at runtime, it can be added through custom runtime implementations. See the "Embedding ezr² page" for more details.

Currently, the only version recommended for making CSAELs with is the latest version of ezr² RE, available on NuGet. The package is targeted for .NET 9 and .NET Standard 2.1 and is compatible with Unity.

High Level Usage

The wrapper infrastructure for ezr² already supports a lot of C# features, so the attributes provided by the NuGet package are only for providing additional metadata to the runtime or for using specific features like extra keyword arguments or extra positional arguments (as params-modified arguments are not support).

WrapMember Attribute

When a type or object is being wrapped, by default, all public members are wrapped. Their names as defined in C# are also converted to snake_case. If you want to wrap private members, or provide additional metadata like a unique name, you can decorate the member with WrapMemberAttribute.

WrapMemberAttribute can be used on the following member types:

  • Classes
  • Structs
  • Constructors
  • Methods
  • Properties
  • Fields

For properties and fields, you can also decorate them as read-only or write-only, without changing their signature in C#.

DontWrapMember Attribute

To exclude a public member from being wrapped, you can decorate it with DontWrapMemberAttribute.

Wrapping Methods and Constructors

FeatureParameter Attribute

When wrapping methods and constructors, you may want additional information from the ezr² runtime. For example, if you want to create a new object, you will need a context and start and end positions.

To do so, you can use FeatureParameterAttribute. You can define a two parameters, one for the context reference, and one for a reference to the caller of your method. You can then take the caller's start and end positions for the new object.

/// <summary>
/// Wraps the given ezr² object so that the runtime has access to its raw C# object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toGet">The object to wrap.</param>
/// <param name="wrapper">Reference to the caller.</param>
/// <param name="executionContext">Reference to the current execution context.</param>
/// <returns>The wrapped object.</returns>
public static EzrObjectWrapper GetRaw(IEzrObject toGet,
    [FeatureParameter(Feature.CallerRef)] IEzrObject wrapper,
    [FeatureParameter(Feature.ExecutionRef)] Context executionContext)
    return new EzrObjectWrapper(toGet, toGet.GetType(), executionContext, wrapper.StartPosition, wrapper.EndPosition);

The attribute can also be used to get references to the interpreter, the current RuntimeResult and access to extra positional/keyword arguments. See Feature for more details.

Parameter Attribute

If you want to provide a custom name for your wrapped method's parameters, you can use ParameterAttribute. You can also declare optional parameters this way. Optional parameters are required to be nullable.

PrimaryConstructor Attribute

All constructors in a type to be wrapped are, by default, named either by the name provided in their WrapMemberAttribute, or given the predefined name make or make_[n] where [n] starts from 1 and increases every time another constructor without a given name is found. They are then stored in the context of the EzrTypeWrapper. A single constructor, for each type, can be declared a "primary constructor", which will be used when the Execute method is called on the type wrapper. The constructor must be declared with a PrimaryConstructorAttribute.

Type Support

ezr² Object -> C# Object

The method responsible for converting IEzrObjects to C# objects is EzrWrapper.EzrObjectToCSharp.

The following table shows which C# types can be converted from which ezr² objects.

C# Type Converted From
byte EzrFloat, EzrInteger
sbyte EzrFloat, EzrInteger
short EzrFloat, EzrInteger
ushort EzrFloat, EzrInteger
int EzrFloat, EzrInteger
uint EzrFloat, EzrInteger
long EzrFloat, EzrInteger
ulong EzrFloat, EzrInteger
BigInteger EzrFloat, EzrInteger
float EzrFloat, EzrInteger
double EzrFloat, EzrInteger
decimal EzrFloat, EzrInteger
bool EzrBoolean
char EzrCharacter
string IEzrString
Null Reference EzrNothing

If the C# type is assignable from the ezr² object's type, for example, if the C# type is IEzrObject and the ezr² object is EzrInteger, the method passes the ezr² object without any conversion.

If the C# type is Task, then it returns Task<T>.FromResult([the ezr² object]) where T is the type of the ezr² object. If the type is a variant of task, like Task<EzrInteger>, then it uses the enclosed type to run the method again with it as the target.

Arrays are also supported, the method checks if the ezr² object is an IEzrIndexedCollection and tries to convert each element to the array's element type.

For all other types, it checks if the ezr² object is an EzrObjectWrapper and checks if the target type is assignable from the wrapped type.

The method also supports the Nullable<T> variants of all the above, where it checks if the ezr² object is an EzrNothing or tries to convert the object to the underlying type of the Nullable.

C# Object -> ezr² Object

The method responsible for converting C# objects to IEzrObjects is EzrWrapper.CSharpToEzrObject.

The following table shows which C# types are natively supported:

C# Type Converted To
byte EzrInteger
sbyte EzrInteger
short EzrInteger
ushort EzrInteger
int EzrInteger
uint EzrInteger
long EzrInteger
ulong EzrInteger
BigInteger EzrInteger
float EzrFloat
double EzrFloat
decimal EzrFloat
bool EzrBoolean
char EzrCharacter
string EzrString
Null Reference EzrNothing
Array EzrArray

Array elements are converted based on the array element type. If the C# object is itself an IEzrObject, it is returned as-is. All other types not listed here are wrapped into EzrObjectWrappers.

Example References

All runtime error types in ezr² are wrapped! Although the objects themselves are IEzrObjects, the type is wrapped to provide the constructor at runtime. You can check out the source code for all runtime error types here.

All built-in methods are also wrapped! You can check out their source code here.